Memiliki Mahasiswa berasal dari Berbagai Negara, Berikut Kesan Mahasiswa Asing Prodi Bisnis Digital selama Kuliah di UIN Salatiga

Memiliki Mahasiswa berasal dari Berbagai Negara, Berikut Kesan Mahasiswa Asing Prodi Bisnis Digital selama Kuliah di UIN Salatiga

Hallo sobat BD gengs!!!

Ini adalah mahasiswa asing yang berkuliah di Prodi Bisnis Digital UIN Salatiga. Kira- kira gimana sih perasaan mereka selama kuliah di sini? Berikut kesan mahasiswa mahasiswi asing Prodi Bisnis Digital selama kuliah di UIN Salatiga

  1. Foto Mariana

Ket foto: Marianna Bienvenue Rakotoarisoa_Madagaskar

“I am very happy to study at UIN Salatiga, I really like Salatiga, this is my dream. The people here are very kind and friendly, even though I am Christian, I try to adapt and fortunately the people here have a high sense of tolerance.”Marianna

  1. Foto Fatima

Ket foto: Fatoumatta Gasama_Ganbia

“I was welcomed here, I explored different and new things. I had difficulty understanding some of the lesson, but I always tried to learn and the lecturers also helped us. My memorable moment while here was taking part in the International Called for Paper Competition. I got the award as best speaker. And I feel there are a lot of differences in food between here and Ganbia, but it’s okayy if there’s indomie here, I really like indomie” Fatoumatta

  1. Foto Zander

Ket foto: Zander Broad Klient L. Sasamu_Filiphina

“Hello, I’m Zander! While studying here I felt very comfortable with the environment and the friends who were very tolerant. The lecturers also really appreciate the differences between us. My friend often jokes asking me to solat hehe. One of the most memorable moments was taking part in the MAKRAB digital business study program. I can get to know many new friends. Apart from that, I have also taken part in international presentations and that was very impressive for me. All of these experiences were very memorable while I studied here. Thank you UIN Salatiga”

  1. Foto Edi

Ket: Edi_Malaysia

“As a student from abroad, I feel warmly welcomed in Indonesia. My campus not only provides complete learning facilities, but also a community that is inclusive and eager to help”

  1. Foto Dista

Ket: Adista Nisrina Maharani_Indonesia

“It’s amazing studying in Digital Business program like studying gen z life! Simple and fun”

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